I highly recommend the following, interactive link for a wild ride into the mind blowing scale of the universe:
When it comes to science and spirituality, one of the most interesting parallels I find is the scale of the universe. From the unimaginably big to the incomprehensibly small, things look so dang similar to me: clusters of objects in a dynamic spinning relationship to one another.
Such scientific observations afforded by microscopes and telescopes point to the inherent unity of the universe at either end of the spectrum as described by mystics, saints, and sages.
The other aspect of scale is the incredible amount of nothingness between various objects. The proportions of space between the nucleus of a hydrogen atom and the single electron circling it is comparable to the space between a star and the planets surrounding it. The lesson: the world in which we experience on a day to day basis is mostly empty space. Even something as solid as a concrete wall is made up of tiny building block that are mostly empty space, too.
Whether one looks at the data from microscope and telescopes, or one travels inwards to explore the vast spaciousness of consciousness, whether one is appreciating the brilliance of the sun, the solidity of a mountain range, or the powerful beauty of dead snag still standing, the creative universe never stops offering sparkling jewels of wonder and amazement!