What do horses have to teach us about creativity?
Click here to enter to win a FREE year-long subscription to The Sun Magazine. This week I was one of the facilitators at the Creativity Symposium at The Thatcher School in Ojai, California. The Thatcher School is famous for pairing each incoming freshman with a horse, a horse the freshman learns to ride and take […]
Enter to win a FREE subscription to my number one resource for creative inspiration
Click here to enter to win a FREE year-long subscription to The Sun Magazine. Want inspiration? Want inspiration on a consistent basis? Want inspiration that you can hold in your hand, return to when you need it, and look forward to when it, like clockwork, comes to visit you again and again? Today I want […]
[VIDEO] Talks at Google: Mindfulness and Creativity in the Workplace
Get your FREE copy of Austin’s infographic, Creativity in the Workplace: How to Build Cultures of Innovation. Here’s a talk I gave on “Mindfulness and Creativity in the Workplace”, as part of the “Authors at Google” program on October 8th, 2015. Big thank you’s to Google, to the author of the forthcoming book, Pause, Racheal O’Meara, host […]
[VIDEO] Creativity and Education: How Design Affects Learning
(NOTE: 30,000 people are not moving to Denver per day, as I erroneously stated in the video, but per month. Sorry for the confusion!) Education can help or hinder creativity. In January 2007, while standing in the check out line at a book store, I noticed an article on the cover of The New Yorker […]
[VIDEO] Loose Ends Sap Creative Energy
Do you have a pile in your inbox that’s just getting bigger? Are there unpaid bills, unreturned phone calls, repairs to your car, your bike, your home, or your computer that you’ve been putting off? What about your health? Do you have a sore tooth, a persistent ache, or something that you know needs […]