Slivers of Eternity: One Minute Meditations on the Ground of Creativity, #22
In this clip, filmed on a Saturday morning in a timeshare near Clear Lake, California, the morning sunlight reflects off the pool outside and onto the popcorn ceiling. The ethereal light, stimulated by the movement of unseen swimmers, and moving through an octagonal window, make an ordinary ceiling a wonder to look at. Soundtrack provided […]
Creativity Q & A: How to Spark Creativity when Blocked?
In this clip, creativity expert Austin Hill Shaw addresses an age-old question about creativity. About the Creativity Q & A Video Series: Every one of you is unique. There will never be another you ever! Knowing this, creativity expert Austin Hill Shaw has dedicated himself to empowering you to bring your creative gifts into the […]
Slivers of Eternity: One Minute Meditations on the Ground of Creativity, #21
In this clip, filmed while waiting for a bus on a balmy spring morning, a used Ford and other cars await the possibility of a new owner on a tiny lot on South San Pablo Boulevard. Behind me, a closed Chinese take-out restaurant plays violent movies in the window for a nearly deserted sidewalk while […]
Austin Hill Shaw Talks on The Five Essentials of Designing and Building Sacred Space, Part II
In this talk, filmed at the Lightning in a Bottle Festival on the morning of Saturday, May 26, 2012, and Part II of the hour long talk (for Part I click here), I continue building the framework, bringing sacred outlook and a profound sense of connection into the process of designing and building specifically and […]
Slivers of Eternity: One Minute Meditations on the Ground of Creativity, #20
In this clip, filmed in January 2012 at the Berkeley Rose Garden overlook, a waxing gibbous moon hangs in the sky, its mystical light shining on the waters of the San Francisco Bay. In the foreground, the lights of West Berkeley, Albany, and Richmond twinkle like stars, creating a sense of heaven on earth, or […]