Austin Hill Shaw Talks on The Five Essentials of Designing and Building Sacred Space, Part I
In this talk, filmed at the Lightning in a Bottle Festival on the morning of Saturday, May 26, 2012, I create a framework bringing sacred outlook and a profound sense of connection into the process of designing and building specifically and creativity in general. The framework comes from Vajrayana Buddhism, also known as Tantric Buddhism, […]
This American Life’s Ira Glass On Being Creative
Here is an amazingly candid video by the host of This American Life, Ira Glass, on the work behind creativity and being creative. So often we are mesmerized by the finished product that we forget that a lot of hard work goes into the creations around us that we all value. Don’t be fooled! If […]
Slivers of Eternity: One Minute Meditations on the Ground of Creativity, #19
In this clip, taken outside the historic Fox Theater in Oakland after a Beats Antique concert, a spontaneous crowd gathers around a portable sound system playing break beats, funk, dub step, and the occasional Michael Jackson mega hit. The Occupy Oakland Movement and the eclectic and irreverent spirit of the night owls light a fire […]
How to Live a Creative Life
Do you feel unfulfilled or stuck in a rut? Do you doubt your ability to create anything meaningful or worthwhile? Or, on the other end of the spectrum, are you overwhelmed by creative ideas that you never find the time to bring to life? You are not alone. It is surprisingly common for people to […]
Creativity and Leadership: How Great Leaders Inspire Action
I recently had an illuminating conversation with a dear friend of mine, Kathy Hart. Kathy is a change expert who, along with her company ClearVision Consulting, goes into large organizations and helps them execute large, system-wide changes, ultimately with the goal of aligning everyone, as her company name implies, with a clear vision. As a […]