[VIDEO] What is the relationship between healing and Self-expression?
It’s been a HUGE month for me. On April 1st, I mourned the loss of my best friend from college in a climbing accident 20 years ago and, on the same day, celebrated the news that 7 years ago my wife was pregnant with the being that is now six-year old, Sierra Lucia. Last week, […]
[VIDEO] How to Build Cultures of Innovation, Part II: Acknowledgement
The power of acknowledgement In this video, we explore how to support others willingness to act, and keep on acting, even when they make mistakes, what is known as acknowledgement. Acknowledgement is extending good will towards a persons willingness to try. Moreover, it is about establishing a safe space for people to try, including trying […]
[VIDEO] How to Build Cultures of Innovation, Part I: Appreciation
For many businesses and organizations, the ability to innovate, to come up with new products, services, and ways of being as well as the ability to tackle complex problems and challenges, can be the difference between thriving and floundering. What steps, though, can you take right now to actively promote the creativity of your team […]
[VIDEO] Diversity and Unconscious Bias: The Creativity Matters Interview with Kia Afcari
Creativity and Diversity What is the connection between creativity and diversity? What are the links between inclusive organizational cultures and innovation? How do businesses and organization that actively promote diversity perform in comparison with those that do not? Earlier this year I had the pleasure of interviewing Kia Afcari, a culture, change, diversity, and inclusion expert. Born […]
[VIDEO] 7 Reasons Creativity is Essential for Your Company’s Success
Want a more detailed list? Check out the sister post, Why Creativity is Essential for Your Company’s Success. Want to make the world a better place? Across all industries, the world is begging for creative and innovative solutions. The 7 reasons creativity is essential for you company’s success include: Survival Growth Innovation Collaboration Leadership Meaning Legacy Want a […]