Since creativity and destruction are two sides of the same coin (in order to create anything, something must be destroyed, morphed, or transformed), those who get to feel the occasional shrugs of the earth, as Bay Area inhabitants bear witness, also gain valued, experiential insight into the dynamic, interdependent, creative universe in which we inhabit. […]
[VIDEO] Mindfulness and Creativity in the Workplace: How to Build Cultures of Innovation
Creativity, mindfulness, and your 3 core human needs No matter who you are, no matter what you do, there are three core human needs that drive you. Connection, making a difference, and meaning. At a fundamental level, both mindfulness and creativity share this in common: They are tried and true paths for fulfilling these three […]
[VIDEO] Creativity and Bay Area Innovation, Part I: The Feng Shui Factor
The Bay Area is hands down the single most creative and innovative region in the United States, receiving a whopping 32 percent of all the venture capital invested in the United States. Introduction to the “Creativity and Bay Area Innovation” series The Bay Area is hands down the single most creative and innovative region in the […]
[VIDEO] Please vote for my breakout session at the upcoming 2016 Wisdom 2.0 Conference
Wisdom 2.0 returns to the Bay Area and I need your vote! I have applied to run an interactive breakout session at the 2016 Wisdom 2.0 Conference in San Francisco entitled, “Mindfulness and Creativity in the Workplace: How to Build Cultures of Innovation.” The first round of voting is open to the general public, which […]
My first encounter with mindfulness
Setting the Stage for Experiencing Mindfulness On September 8, 2001, three days before the planes flew into the World Trade Center Towers, I had another jet of sorts crash into my head, presenting a way of being that I’d never quite experienced before. Grant you, the experience was far more localized than what would unfold in New […]
[VIDEO] Make Everything Significant
“Genius means little more than the faculty of perceiving in an unhabitual way. Creativity is the ability to move beyond habitual responses and approach things as fresh.” William James Not long ago, I asked a friend of mine about how he makes important decisions. His response: “I make everything significant.” His words had a strong impact […]
[VIDEO] Transformation Happens in the Darkness
When considering our creativity, it’s helpful to think of it in this way: “Growth happens in the light, transformation in the darkness.” Growth has to do with creative manifestation, our ability to use our resources, planning skills, and volition to turn our insights into reality. Transformation, however, are those experiences that bring about creative insights in […]
[VIDEO] Feels So Good: Life is Better with Rituals
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” Friedrich Nietzsche This last week, I had the opportunity to spend a bit of time doing something I hadn’t done in a long time: Listening to LP’s. Not files from my iTunes, not CD’s, not cassettes […]
What do horses have to teach us about creativity?
Click here to enter to win a FREE year-long subscription to The Sun Magazine. This week I was one of the facilitators at the Creativity Symposium at The Thatcher School in Ojai, California. The Thatcher School is famous for pairing each incoming freshman with a horse, a horse the freshman learns to ride and take […]
Enter to win a FREE subscription to my number one resource for creative inspiration
Click here to enter to win a FREE year-long subscription to The Sun Magazine. Want inspiration? Want inspiration on a consistent basis? Want inspiration that you can hold in your hand, return to when you need it, and look forward to when it, like clockwork, comes to visit you again and again? Today I want […]