In England, home of the blockbuster Harry Potter book and movie series, a recent experiment tested the effects of watching magical scenes from Harry Potter movies on children’s ability to create. What the researchers found out was surprising. See for yourself: “The group who watched the magical clips performed “significantly better” than the other group […]
Do You Think Creativity Is Challenging In Three Dimensions? Imagine Ten!
Being creative, feeling the Ground of Creativity moving through us, is a celebrated activity that can be both rewarding and challenging. From conceiving an idea to seeing it through to a form that can be shared with others, creativity calls upon all our faculties as human beings. When we create, we have a sense of […]
Design School President Calls Design Universities “Engines for the Creative Economy”
According to David Van Zandt, President of The New School, one of the few design leaders in higher education in the world, and a new report from the Center for an Urban Future, talks about the key components of creativity and innovation that design schools have and will continue to play in the emerging, fiercely […]
Creativity and Destruction Always Travel Together
The birth of the fire is the death of the log. The planting of crops marks the end of the meadow. The invention of the automobile marked the decline of the horse-drawn carriage. Creativity and innovation not only brings new products, services, and methodologies into the world, it also ushers out the old and outdated, […]
A Den-Maker’s Call to Unite Creativity and Technology across the Teaching Curriculum
What’s a ‘den-maker’ you ask? According to Cathy Cross, a den-maker herself and author of this article, a den-maker is one who “morphs dull classrooms into thrilling learning environments.” She is on a mission to use both high tech (computers and lighting) with low tech (fabric, boxes, plastic hoops) in order to bridge the gap […]
Creativity, Innovation, and Sustainability: New Update on the Global Landscape
Innovation is an important aspect of creativity. It is the process through which creative insights are developed into useful products, services, and methodologies that solve problems and improve the quality of life. In this report, originating from my home in Berkeley, California, Laura Tyson explores the state of the global landscape of innovation. “Berkeley, CA […]
The Flourishing Creativity and Design of IDEO
This video, the first of a three part series that was first aired in 1999, ABC News spent some time with Palo Alto, California based IDEO, whose innovative approach to design and creativity lead them to be one of the top international product designers in all the world. In a five day challenge, ABC asks […]
Creativity and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Part V: How Creativity Expands Our Sense of Self
We began this series by looking at Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, noting how Maslow has creativity positioned at the uppermost level, at the level of Self-Actualization. We also noted that while the first four levels were characterized by a sense of “deficiency” or lack, this uppermost level of Self-Actualization was marked by a sense […]
The Scale of the Universe
I highly recommend the following, interactive link for a wild ride into the mind blowing scale of the universe: When it comes to science and spirituality, one of the most interesting parallels I find is the scale of the universe. From the unimaginably big to the incomprehensibly small, things look so dang similar to […]
Learning From the Mistakes of George Lucas
“You should return to the well often for ideas and inspiration and even a refresher on what you learned from those older campaigns. But rather than trying to “enhance” older campaigns with new technology, apply what you learned from those gems to something completely new. Because like it or not, George Lucas is teaching us […]