“There is vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action. And because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique.”
Martha Graham, Choreographer
Creativity Matters
“There is vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action. And because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique.”
Martha Graham, Choreographer
The Bay Area is hands down the single most creative and innovative region in the United States, receiving a whopping 32 percent of all the venture capital invested in the United States. Introduction to the “Creativity and Bay Area Innovation” series The Bay Area is hands down the single most creative and innovative region in the […]
What are your three core needs? Happy New Year! As we all know, the beginning of the New Year is a reset button of sorts, a time to shed outdated or self-defeating patterns and bring in new and empowering ones. In my experience as a student of creativity, and in my understanding of creativity as […]
The New Year is almost here. What are the two most important questions? Let’s cut to the chase. As a human being you are both perfectly whole and in need of re-establishing wholeness. Seems paradoxical but it not. The perfect wholeness is what allows you to experience creative insights. The need of re-establishing wholeness motivates […]
Wisdom 2.0 returns to the Bay Area and I need your vote! I have applied to run an interactive breakout session at the 2016 Wisdom 2.0 Conference in San Francisco entitled, “Mindfulness and Creativity in the Workplace: How to Build Cultures of Innovation.” The first round of voting is open to the general public, which […]
“Genius means little more than the faculty of perceiving in an unhabitual way. Creativity is the ability to move beyond habitual responses and approach things as fresh.” William James Not long ago, I asked a friend of mine about how he makes important decisions. His response: “I make everything significant.” His words had a strong impact […]