This from the epicenter of Silicon Valley: Block party hackathon took place in Palo Alto, California this last weekend. Creativity, collaboration, and a robotic petting zoo? Whoa! Launching in Palo Alto on March 31, 2012 from 1pm-1am, Super Happy Block Party is taking over one of the busiest streets in Palo Alto and transforming it […]
Creativity is The Most Essential Skill for Navigating an Increasingly Complex World
What’s the most essential skill for the rapidly changing, interdependent world? Creativity! Check this out and don’t put off your own creative development! Creativity is the most essential skill for navigating an increasingly complex world — or so said 1,500 CEOs across 60 countries in a recent survey by IBM. And yet federally funded research […]
How to Promote Creativity in Young Children
Children are naturally creative. Yet certain activities encourage that creativity more than others. According to Dr Rebecca Palacios, it is important to encourage creativity in children by presenting them with open-ended materials where their ultimate use is created by the child. Objects with specific functions, however, such as a toy that is designed to illicit […]
Create Together! Creativity In Groups Increases Dramatically With The Right Leadership
ShayLynne Clark, one very motivated 22-year-old student from Weber State University, has spent her university time exploring the topic of creativity in group settings. Her valued conclusion: Creativity in groups suffers with overbearing central leadership, but flourishes with an empowering moderator, one who encourages creative input from all members of the group. OGDEN — ShayLynne […]
You want creativity in your life? You can’t selectively numb emotion
It is my belief that true creativity, creativity that enlivens, inspires, and enriches the lives of everyone around them, most especially the person(s) willing to undertake the creative offering, is based on living from a place of authenticity. In this vein, I love this talk by Dr. Brené Brown as it gets to the core […]
Take The Childish Approach: Too Much Of An Adult Mindset Stymies Creativity
According to this article by Sam McNerney our natural ability to daydream and wonder drops precipitously for most of us around the fourth grade. Those who maintain their creative capacities throughout their lifetime, however, are those who can suspend reason and tap into their childlike selves. What happens to our innate creativity when we age? […]
Creativity and The Three Stages of Conscious Design Build, Part II: Self-Consciousness
Last time we explored unconsciousness, also known as self-centeredness, the lowest of the three stages of conscious design build and of creativity in general. It is marked by an individual’s desire to fulfill his own needs no matter what, often at the expense of others. Now lets go to the next level and see what […]
An Amazingly Informative Animation On Creativity and Education
In this amazing animation, Sir Ken Robinson, international leader in creativity, innovation, and education, illustrates the lack of creativity in education based on the lingering paradigm of the Industrial Revolution. Sir Ken Robinson is a gifted speaker and brings to light the creativity crisis through the lens of history, and posits solutions as to what […]
Doctor’s Verdict: Creativity Linked to Health and Well-Being
According to naturopathic doctor, Michael Stancliff, creativity is not some frivolous activity. Creativity and creative activities are linked to both physical and mental health and well being. In the link to his article below, he also addresses various roadblocks that prevent us from leading creative lives. “Our creativity as humans is inspiring. When we creatively […]
Want To Improve Your Creativity? Watch A Bit of Movie Magic
In England, home of the blockbuster Harry Potter book and movie series, a recent experiment tested the effects of watching magical scenes from Harry Potter movies on children’s ability to create. What the researchers found out was surprising. See for yourself: “The group who watched the magical clips performed “significantly better” than the other group […]