Take The Creativity Quiz What best describes your awareness of the world around you? I like things clearly defined. I am comfortable with the unknown. I'm able to go back and forth between the clearly defined and the unknown. How do you know what's right? I have a strong internal sense of truth. I like to hear others' opinions and often follow their advice. I am curious about others' experiences as they shed light on my own. What best describes your relationship to time? I regularly find myself in a state of flow. I like to keep myself busy. I like blocks of unstructured time. What best describes the way you work? I tend to go, go, go, then collapse at the end of the day. Breaks and downtime are important to me. My work doesn't feel like work at all. What best describes your relationship to others? I definitely need my alone time. I like to be part of a group. I see the good in others even when I don't like what they do. 4 questions remain